Monday, 8 July 2013

DIY Dip-Dye Shorts for Summer

Hola amigos,
      Are you all feeling the heat yet?  It's been 108 consistently where I live!  Time to find some cute summer fashions I think!  Like I've said before, I'm a recent college graduate with absolutely no funds. Sad face.  So I like cheap alternatives to the stunning $400 shorts in boutique windows!  And guess can do it yourself, I promise.

Tutorial for dip-dyed (EASY!) summer shorts:

Step 1: Buy your dye!  I went for Dylon fabric dye.  Many people like Rit dyes but while Rit is a very cheap and affordable brand, it also washes out and fades fairly quickly.  Choose which works best for you.

Step 2: Buy jeans or shorts that you like from the thrift store.  If you chose jeans (like me) choose how long you want your future shorts to be (perhaps while wearing them) then make a mark there.
 (see the mark?)

Step 3: Measure how many inches/centimeters the mark you made is from the BOTTOM of the jeans, NOT the top (measuring from the top will make the hemline all wonky!) Make marks all around.

Step 4: Cut!
(different pair of jeans!)

Step 5: Fill a bucket with bleach and choose were you want the bleached or colored part to be on your new shorts.  Then submerge that part into the bleach

WARNING: be careful with bleach! It is very abrasive and can harm your skin, and definitely don't get it in your eyes.  Use gloves or poke with a stick like I did :)
ALSO: If you want a SECTION of your shorts bleached or colored, do not put the whole section into the bleach!  Bleach will not only remove the color from the submerged section but will continue to eat its way up!  So leave an inch or two of "bleach eating room" that is not submerged.

Step 6:  No picture here but after your shorts are sufficiently white (don't leave them in for too long! Bleach will make your material very weak, it's very abrasive) remove them from the bleach with gloves (or a stick!) and rinse them thoroughly so the bleach stops working.

Step 7: Colorize!  Make your dye according to the package (usually one cup of warm water, all of the dye, mix, then add enough water so the fabric can be fully submerged) then add your shorts
You can either dye them one color or do multiple colors using the technique I used above of only submerging part of the shorts!  You can also lay the shorts out on a plastic bag and use a paintbrush to add dye where you would like it.

End result:
using a paintbrush to add color in stripes

with studs

hello butt!

I hope you liked this tutorial!  Let me know if you would like more details or more tutorials in the future :)  I hope I made your summer a little more colorful.

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